Ludwig- Maximilians- Universität Munich, graduation Dr. rer. pol.; Member of the managing board Schreibmayr Co. , Munich; free lance editor Janus Film Production, Kabel 1 The Reporting, Kabel 1 The Magazine and MIT Professional Education: New Space Economy.

Dr.rer.pol. Beatrice Bischof, EDUCATION

Dr. rer. pol. Beatrice Bischof is a Management Consultant, PR and Marketing Specialist, Project Manager, Speaker, and Author.

Focus: International Policy, Interdisciplinary Innovations and Exchange, Digitalization, Sustainability.

  • Ludwig- Maximilians-University Munich
  • Member of the managing board Schreibmayr Co. Munich
  • Free editor Janus Film Production
  • Kabel 1 The Reporting, Kabel 1 The Magazine
  • MIT Professional Education: New Space Economy: Technologies, Products, Services, and Business Models
  • Languages: German, English, French.
Dr. rer. pol. Beatrice Bischof is a Management Consultant, PR and Marketing Specialist, Project Manager, Speaker, and Author.
Focus: International Policy, Interdisciplinary Innovations and Exchange, Digitalization, Sustainability.

Short biography: 

Dr. rer. pol. Beatrice Bischof studied political science, public law, and literature at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich and subsequently completed her doctorate as Dr. rer. pol. with the additional subject of economic and social history. She was a member of the management of the family business until 1996. She then trained as a television journalist at the Kirchmediagroup. At the MIT Massachusetts Institute of Technology, she completed a course on the New Space Economy.
Since then she has worked as a Management Consultant, PR and Marketing Specialist, Project Manager, Speaker, and Author. Here the focus is on technology: companies, startups, and scaleups, with a focus on aerospace, AI, and education.
She is the German representative of the Mohammed Bin Rashid Aerospace Hub in Dubai and a columnist for The European.
Furthermore, she is a Board Member of the Foreign Affairs Association, a Member of the Board of Women in Tech of the EUTECH Chamber, an Ambassador of the EU Senate, and a Member of the Advisory Board of the Alliance of International Aid.

The focus of the training
#Foreignpolicy, #Publiclaw #Economictheory #Economiccrises #Economicsystems #Decisionmakingprocesses #Negotiationtheory
#Analyticalskills #Consulting #InternationalBusiness #Foreignpolicy #Leadership #Negotiation #Policy #Strategy #Strategicthinking #Strategicplaning
#Businessdevelopment #Businessstrategy #Businessplanning #Fundraising #ManagementConsultancy #NewBusinessDevelopment #Startups

The Objective

“Two there are who are never satisfied – the lover of the world and the lover of knowledge.” – Rumi

Doctoral Graduation Celebration

Doctoral Graduation Celebration at the Assembly Hall of the Ludwig- Maximilians- University Munich 2005. A very festive formal occassion with all professors in robes, the first time since 1968 (among others Prof. Werner Weidenfeld, Prof. Julian Nida-Rümelin), but her “supervising professor” was Prof. Gottfried- Karl Kindermann, founder of the international policy department at the Ludwig- Maximilians-University Munich.

Photo: Beatrice Bischof with parents Stefanie and Fritz Bischof

Doctoral Graduation Celebration

Dr. Beatrice Bischof with doctoral supervisor Prof. Dr. Gottfried-Karl Kindermann, founder of the Chair of International Politics at the Ludwig Maximilians University of Munich in Germany.


The conduct of the American government in the North Korean nuclear crisis.
Constellation analysis with special emphasis on American crisis behavior

Dissertation, online publication 2005,

Reviewer Ludwig Maximilians University Munich:

Prof. Dr. Dr. H. c. Gottfried-Karl Kindermann (first reviewer),

Professor Dr. Christopher Dase (co-referee) ; P. 1.095

Dissertation Dr.rer.pol. Beatrice Bischof

The North Korean nuclear crisis of the 1990s took place in a changing world. At the same time, a new American administration took office, which had to shape its security and economic policy in response to the new circumstances. With the end of the East-West antagonism and a worsening North-South conflict, there was a change in the goals and means of conflict management. The economy moved into the center of attention, at the same time arms control had to be increased. The expansion and consolidation of democracy abroad should be promoted, while the spread of nuclear weapons to outlawed states should be stopped. Economic and diplomatic means were also used increasingly in questions of security policy. Opportunities for peaceful crisis management were seen in the integrating, independent role of international, regional functional organizations, regimes and non-governmental organizations in arms control on the one hand (see IAEA) and the inclusion of these states in global and regional economic organizations and thus their economic development on the other. Arms control and economic cooperation serve as political instruments to promote cooperation, facilitate information and communication between the states and systems involved in the conflict, and enable trust and cooperation. The pandemic crisis of these days gives these considerations new relevance. Here the IAEA is being replaced by the WHO. The influencing factors are also controversial here. If scientific neutrality could be guaranteed, a worthwhile path.


She completed training on the New Space Economy at the MIT Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

MIT Professional Education: New Space Economy: Technologies, Products, Services and Business Models.

MIT Certificate for Dr.rer.pol. Beatrice Bischof

Completed the Course New Space Economy, in 8 modules (History and Evolution of Space Sector, New Space vs. Traditional Space, Space Sector Value Chain Overview, Product & Technology Innovation, Innovation on Process, Innovation on Business Models, Funding New Space Ventures, Sustainable Development & New Space) we learned about StakeholderValue Networks, Analysis of Six Elements Framework, Transition traditional Space Missions in New Space, Production Development Processes, Business Model Framework and Strategies, Focus Revenue vs Technology, Sustainability