What will our future working world look like, what form will collaboration take, what tools will be needed, what skills and training are required? What is the situation nationally but also internationally? PETS A Foreign Policy Ecosystem tries to provide answers with its application proposals.
Dr. rer. pol. Beatrice Bischof, PETS Founder
Dr. rer. pol. Beatrice Bischof is TV-Journalist, Moderator, Speaker, Political Scientist, Author.
Focus: International Policy, Interdisciplinary Innovations and Exchange, Digitalization, Sustainability.
International, interdisziplinary Approach:
PETS – A Foreign Policy Ecosystem
© Copyright 2021 – Dr. Beatrice Bischof
The Objective
The organizational form of the Sustainable Hub optimizes the process of interdisciplinary innovation and exchange, of cooperation. This is also true at the international level, where it is also a matter of transporting the system of values and rules in terms of foreign policy.
PETS – A Foreign Policy Ecosystem
Policy Economy Technology Society (PETS)
by Dr. rer. pol. Beatrice Bischof

© Copyright 2021 – Dr. rer.pol. Beatrice Bischof
The Vision: A global coordinated industry of sustainability, led by progressive countries, mega hubs, free regions, smart cities. Administrations create a legislative surrounding and internal efforts to attract international relevant expertise immigrate and do business (Example: Crypto Valley ). Progressive countries build industrial clusters, create innovative ecosystems and legislative structure in industrial infrastructure, build a flexible progressive legal frame, governments support the fast and practical adaption of AI a.o. progressive technologies.
The Participants: Scientists, Industrial Players, Entrepreneurs, Investors, Shareholders, Politicians.
The Devices: Politics (outside: diplomacy in regard to other nations, organizations, smart cities, hubs, industries, inside: information for the public, legislation, and relief of rules, create incentives, build infrastructure), Economy (promote the technological development in sustainability, create incentives for investment in sustainability and ESG factor oriented industry and finance), Science (cooperation in sciences).
The Aim: All subparts of the manifold faces of the sustainability industry should be integrated to create an optimized ecosystem for the sustainability of wealth and the health of society.
Special feature: interdisciplinary and international connectivity.
Examples: Vertical Farming, Solar Energy, Longevity Industry (Medicine Technology), Mobility.

Sustainable Hub
Sustainable Hub
Agro Hub
● Possible topics can be energy, logivity, mobility, and agriculture
● Incredients of the hub: economy: companies (industrial players, entrepreneurs), financial instruments (banks, financial devices for ESG
oriented investment), policy: governmental policies (rules, infrastructure, parliamentary groups), NGOs, international institutions
(support, rules), technology: science institutes, inventors, and international science cooperations, society: Create incentives (people and investors), change consciousness for structural change.
● Topic Agriculture
● Incredients: economy: farms, companies, financial instruments
(for ex. microfinance), policy: political groups, associations, NGO´s, financial support (nations, international institutions), technology:
as sustainable integrated farming, vertical farming, a circular economy
with waste and water management, science cooperations, incentives for sustainable farming, food security and consciousness for health.
Sustainable Hub
PETS A Foreign Policy Ecosystem as Education Approach- the Agri Entrepreneurship Factory.
Womens Peace Project
The Women Project for Peace in the Korean Peace Zone: the Entrepreneurship-Factory for Women to produce a cultural asset.
The Educational Project with Cavalla International University: the Agri-Entrepreneurship-Factory for Africa.
● Topic: Women’s peace project (production of a
cultural product for ex. Ginseng products or Gim)
● Women from South and Nordkorea are the producers in cooperation.
● Incredients: economy: farms, companies that produce products (nutrition, medicine, cosmetics) and sell it online, financial products (microfinance, responsible, social entrepreneurship)
● Policy: the project is supported by the UN and EU (rules for sustainable production, good governance, ESG, NGOs could be active), it is a project to create peace and reconciliation on the Korean Peninsula
● Technology: new technological advises for farming and production can be used, tested, like vertical
farming or integrated sustainable farming, waste and water management, science cooperation between North and South.
● Society: object is to create peace and reconciliation on the Korean Peninsula, let the Women do. Their value is to produce a cultural good, can be proud of it, and earn money. A true project of inclusion.
● Topic: it is a mixed hub for start ups-with an educational background, young entrepreneurs should be trained
● Economy: diverse tech start-ups but maybe also, other startups, composed of diverse goods (the region needs)
● Policy: support by nations and EU to create new possibilities for the future of work (entrepreneurship)
● Technology: AI, VR, Blockchain, Apps-construction but also electromobility and EnergySolutions, maybe also waste and
water management. Science cooperation with other hubs and universities worldwide.
● Society: object is to create entrepreneurs, find a solution for the future problems of employment, management of change. This hub can also exist simply on a virtual base, the parts of it and participants can be on diverse locations.
Policy Economy Technology Society (PETS)
by Dr. rer. pol. Beatrice Bischof
© Copyright 2021 – Dr. rer.pol. Beatrice Bischof
CV Global Business Awards 2023
Corporate Vision magazine is excited to welcome Dr. rer. pol. Beatrice Bischof at the seventh annual Global Business Awards 2023!
The award was presented in the category “Best Tech Startup Consultancy 2023” for PETS A Foreign Policy Ecosystem.

Dr. rer. pol. Beatrice Bischof has steadily curated an inner circle of clients specializing in International Policy, Interdisciplinary Innovations, and Exchange, Digitalization, and Sustainability. Starclimber is an additional new joint enterprise with Suna Akman Richter as a partner, a consultancy for start-ups and technology companies. Dr. rer. pol. Beatrice Bischof has now been recognized by this year’s Global Business Awards for its holistic approach and innovative PETS – A Foreign Policy Ecosystem…
Read more at the Global Business Magazine…
© Copyright Global Business Award 2023 – Corporate Vision News about Dr. rer. pol. Beatrice Bischof
International Contributions – Policy Economy Technology Society (PETS)
by Dr. rer. pol. Beatrice Bischof
Bahrain TV News Center. News Zoom Conference Call, December 2021. Invited Speaker: Dr.rer.pol. Beatrice Bischof.
Universities 195 Education Virtual Conference. Medpoint talk show. Cavalla International University, December 2021. Invited speaker Dr.rer.pol. Beatrice Bischof
Universities 195 Education Virtual Conference
Conference panel: 2:05:56 of which Cavalla 2:37:55 then Dr. Beatrice Bischof contribution 2:46:06 – 2:54:54
Co-creating Spaces for Peace and Reconciliation on the Korean Peninsula. Women empowerment project proposal by Dr. Beatrice Bischof. Sequenzen: 2.02.46-2.08.21 und 2.33.50 -2.36.49