Hello World!

Here you can find a general view of the actual publications of Dr. rer. pol. Beatrice Bischof. She attendet to Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich, graduated in political sciences, constitutional law, literature sciences and economic and social history. Until 1996 she was member of the managing board of the Company of her family.

By |2023-09-13T08:47:42+00:00September 13th, 2023|Außenpolitik, Domestic Policy, Europa, Foreign Policy, Innenpolitik|Comments Off on Hello World!

Ukraine crisis: ways out of the dilemma?

“War in Europe” is the headline in all the media these days. Sad, true - but surprising? Since I was allowed to take part in a seminar with two of the most important think tank presidents in the USA in connection with the security conference, the last point has to be answered with no. More [...]

By |2022-03-17T11:34:03+00:00March 1st, 2022|Außenpolitik, Europa, Foreign Policy|Comments Off on Ukraine crisis: ways out of the dilemma?

German companies are looking for foreign skilled workers with a website in German

Our author wanted to help a young man in Africa. But in her search for clues, she was referred to the “Make it in Germany” website. German companies are looking for foreign skilled workers, mostly only in German and only for German speakers. In Africa? Read more https://www.theeuropean.de/beatrice-bischof/website-make-it-in-germany-sucht-auslaendische-fachraefte-auf-deutsch/

By |2020-10-13T09:22:22+00:00October 12th, 2020|Corona, Foreign Policy, Society|Comments Off on German companies are looking for foreign skilled workers with a website in German

The EU’s Corona aid program is necessary

The EU's reconstruction fund as a result of the Corona crisis has just been adopted. The keywords are "Reform, Repair, Remodel". Different voices are heard, as always, for and against, winners and losers are named and found. But we will get to the bottom of the matter once. What are the facts? Asks our author [...]

By |2020-09-07T11:21:24+00:00August 12th, 2020|Corona, Domestic Policy, Europa, Foreign Policy, Society|Comments Off on The EU’s Corona aid program is necessary

Fight against pandemic

How Taiwan learned to control the corona virus with amazing social coordination ... Focus Online, Thursday, April 2nd, 2020, 07:44 The world is fighting the spread of the corona virus. Many countries take their own approach. A look at Taiwan shows how the country's technical progress can help to solve major challenges. Article by Beatrice [...]

PETS-A Foreign Policy Ecosystem Interdisciplinary Approach: Policy-Economy-Technology-Society

What does an interdisciplinary and internationally connecting strategy ultimately look like? Beatrice Bischof provides answers in her contribution. What is it? An attempt to reconcile and synchronize the current trends. This interdisciplinary approach in combination with the micro-multilateralism approach (Cathryn Clüver Ashbrook and Daniele Haarhuis) could be a new model of international cooperation. The [...]

By |2020-02-12T09:04:00+00:00February 7th, 2020|Culture, Foreign Policy, Media, Science, Society|Comments Off on PETS-A Foreign Policy Ecosystem Interdisciplinary Approach: Policy-Economy-Technology-Society

Libra: are there a new world (currency) order and a web 3.0 in the uprising?

Topic of a hot discussion these days: Marc Zuckerbergs plans to enlarge his social media empire with a currency. Is Facebook now becoming a state of its own? Asks Simon Hurtz of the newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung. Realized together with two other innovations in “his empire” as the plans for an expert group for disputed questions, [...]

By |2019-11-18T09:14:28+00:00August 10th, 2019|Domestic Policy, Europa, Foreign Policy|Comments Off on Libra: are there a new world (currency) order and a web 3.0 in the uprising?

Korean reunification: Germany as Role Model?

The discussion about the German reunification as a role model for the Korean reunification is dependent of the parties in government. After the German reunification, the model of absorption seemed relevant, but the opponents of this course emphasized the tensions in the Innerkorean relations and the different economic strength of both Koreas. Korea and the [...]

By |2019-09-10T09:58:48+00:00June 1st, 2019|Foreign Policy|Comments Off on Korean reunification: Germany as Role Model?

Shall Germany be put in a sandwich between China and the USA?

That´s an interesting question, many people may ask since some time. An equally interesting possibility as an answer: There is the danger that Germany will be put in a sandwich between China and the USA. As a further danger the unchained capitalistic forces in Germany and in the economy are emphasized. As Prof. Christian [...]

By |2019-09-10T10:00:06+00:00March 4th, 2019|Domestic Policy, Europa, Foreign Policy|Comments Off on Shall Germany be put in a sandwich between China and the USA?

The Pope at the Cradle of Islam

At his visit at the Arab peninsula, in UAE, Pope Francis called up for the engagement of religions for peace, tolerance and the observance of the freedom of religions. Dialogue and tolerance are the keywords. But what does this imply? .... See full article: The European/Debate Magazine/Article Dr. rer. pol. Beatrice Bischof [...]

By |2019-09-03T13:28:27+00:00February 11th, 2019|Domestic Policy, Foreign Policy|Comments Off on The Pope at the Cradle of Islam
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